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Selasa, 11 November 2014


My impressions are:
In the course of the study IGCSE maths using English I get a lot of knowledge and can understand math words in the English language , how someday I can teach mathematics in English , although not all of them. I understand ...
I do not understand why because this course should be able to use English .. when persentasi in class debriefing should use English every week .
But I can understand if there are words that I never learned and find meaning in Indonesian dictionaries translate through .

The hope :
IGCSE maths should be further enhanced UAS learning until later , because this lesson is very useful for our students in the future in teaching .
In this course I hope during school hours had begun , faculty and students should be active in the English language instead of using Indonesian , because in this case the lecturers and students learn the English language fluency ,
and I hope also to get the best value in the eyes of this college ..

Education Unit: Junior High School (SMP)
Subjects: Mathematics
Class / Semester: VII / 1
Time Allocation: 2 x 40 minutes ( 1 meeting )
Topic: Algebra
Submateri Principal: Algebra Shape

A. Competency Standards
Understanding the algebra
B.  Basic Competency
Perform operations on the algebra .

C. Indicator
a.       Perform arithmetic operations on the algebra sum .
b.      Perform arithmetic operations on the algebra reduction .
c.       Perform arithmetic operations on the algebra multiplication .
d.      Perform arithmetic operations division in algebraic form .
e.       Perform arithmetic operations on the algebra reappointment .

D. Learning Objectives
After learning , expected
a.       Students can perform arithmetic operations on the algebra sum .
b.      Students can perform arithmetic operations on the algebra reduction .
c.       Students can perform arithmetic operations on the algebra multiplication
d.      Students can perform arithmetic operations on the algebra division.
e.       Students can perform arithmetic operations on the algebra reappointment .
Character of students who are expected to :
1.      Discipline
2.      Respect and Attention
3.      Diligence
4.      Responsibility
E.  Teaching Materials
1.    Apperception
Before discussing the arithmetic operation on the algebra should first understand the multiplication rate constants and a lot of numbers in a variable substitution from many tribes. For more details see the following example:
a.       → distributive properties

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